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SDS Fall Production of Play On!

Last weekend, the Stevens Dramatic Society (SDS) put on their fall production: Play On! by Rick Abbot. There were four performances: one in the evening of Thursday and Friday, Saturday afternoon, and the last Saturday night. The show included a cast of ten students, ranging from first-years to graduate students, and a crew of students, with two professionals as the stage manager and director.

The play follows a local community theater putting on a production. The show they are producing is Murder Most Foul, by a new playwright. Problems arise with the author continually rewriting the plot, arguments, affairs between the players, a technical nightmare of a dress rehearsal, and a disastrous opening night. SDS’s crew put together a fantastic collection of modern outfits and Victorian evening wear, an early 20th-century style manor parlor, and sound and light designs by Stevens students. The cast and crew have been working since the middle of September to put the show together. 

The Stute had the opportunity to reach out to some of the cast and crew of the show to get their perspectives on the play. Luke Magette was the show’s Assistant Stage Manager and a student here at Stevens. He says, “It’s always such a moment of pride to share so many hours of work with an audience and to hear they’re receiving it well. Much like the play itself, the show built up to quite the explosive conclusion, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” The Stute also reached out to Cameron Clifford who played Gerry in the play. He says, “Play On! went as smooth as anyone could hope for. Everyone on the team enjoyed the process as much as the final production, and we had an absolute blast sharing it with our audiences!” 

SDS thanks everyone that came to support their fall production this semester and hopes everyone in the audience enjoyed their experience. Keep an eye out for their spring production which typically takes place at the end of March or early April. 

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