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Stevens Consulting Club joins campus

The School of Business is always inspiring its students to learn outside the classroom, and that seems to be exactly what Aditya Bhangale took to heart. Bhangale is the founder of the Stevens Consulting Club, SCC, here on campus, the first of its kind. The Consulting Club is a recent addition to extracurricular activities students can participate in, however, that has not slowed down the club’s popularity. With seventy-nine students in the club’s GroupMe, the club aims to have its first meeting sometime this month. 

COPA, The Corporate Outreach & Professional Advancement Office, sent out an email featuring the launch of the club, stating that SCC’s goals are “to build relationships with companies and the school to prepare students for the consulting industry and to build general skills that they can apply anywhere. Eventually, the club aims to connect students with small businesses by creating opportunities for students to take on pro-bono consulting projects. Not only would these projects help students apply what they have learned in the classroom to real life situations, but they would also allow students to build up their resumes. 

Although the Stevens Consulting Club is open to everyone, Bhangale wants students to feel challenged and for the club to create a “competitive environment with opportunities for leadership, growth, and work experience.” No matter what area you are studying in, the Stevens Consulting Club is a great opportunity to gain some professional experience!

Students can join the Stevens Consulting Club by joining their GroupMe

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