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A new (school) year and a fresh start

To our newest Ducks on campus, it is my absolute pleasure to say: welcome to Stevens! This paper is filled with tips, tricks, and perspectives that will answer all your questions about what it means to be a Duck.

The start of a new school year is my favorite time of the year. It trumps all major holidays, anniversaries, birthdays because nothing beats the feeling of a fresh start in the middle of the year. The new (school) year eliminates the facades of new year’s resolutions for folks who are chronic resolution-breakers, like myself. Instead, it opens up a window for reflection and goal-setting; how far have we come throughout this calendar year, and what can we improve before it ends? And that’s exactly what The Stute did before the start of this fall semester. 

Goal #1: Filling Positions

The Stute is comprised of many students with diverse backgrounds and interests. Whether you’re interested in improving your leadership skills, bettering your writing skills, or showcasing your artistic talents, you can find a place to do so with the newspaper. With student interest, we’re hoping to fill vacant positions like News Editor, Assistant Business Manager, Social Media Manager, and Comic Strip Artist. 

Goal #2: Increase social media presence

Our following on social media has significantly increased within the past few semesters. Now, we’re aiming to go one step further and expand our social media presence to other, increasingly-popular platforms. 

Goal #3: Increase readership of paper copies

While many of us find it easiest to get our news online, a physical newspaper provides a unique reading experience that online formats can’t replicate. As the new year begins, The Stute has planned some strategies to increase readership of our print issues so that they reach a wider audience. With a strong focus on distribution to students and faculty in academic buildings coupled with more advertising on social media, The Stute believes we can get more people to pick up our physical throughout the next year. 

The Stute has other goals and objectives on our horizon, but a magician never reveals all of their secrets! Stay tuned to see what else we have planned for the upcoming semester. 

To our new students, I implore you to take some time to reflect and make some goals, as silly as they may seem. Map out what you hope to accomplish throughout this next year, whether it be excelling in athletics, making new friends, or just passing that difficult math class. As every other upperclassman might have told you, freshman year will be over before you know it. 

The same advice goes to our older Ducks, who now have the experience of at least one year behind them. Much has changed on campus since you started your freshman year. Regardless of the time you have left at Stevens, reflect on how you’ve grown and think about who you want to be before graduating.

The last thing I want to leave you with is just a small spark of inspiration, and my own two cents. Call me sappy, but I’ve always believed that everything happens for a reason. And whether or not you agree with this phrase, there is some truth to it. Everything that happens — good and bad — is a learning experience. The good often teaches you how you use your given toolkit to succeed or how your connections with others have transformed you. The bad teaches you how you adapt, how you overcome, and how you persevere. Either way, there is always something to take away from every experience you have. And at the end of it all, both the good and bad will make you your strongest, wisest, and most powerful self. Enjoy the experiences, whatever they may be, and allow them to inspire you to learn.

That’s enough advice from me. Now, go do! I wish all students, faculty, and staff of the Stevens community a happy, healthy, and successful year ahead. 

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