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Duck Med: the new Stevens pre-med newsletter

In November of 2020, the first issue of the Stevens newsletter, “Duck Med,” was published. Duck Med was created by Jeel Shah, 3/4 Biology major, and it features pre-health articles that both undergraduate students and professionals can participate in. An issue of Duck Med is published each month that Stevens is in session. 

The purpose of this newsletter is to further “establish a pre-health community” at Stevens, as stated by Shah. It is meant to serve as a resource for pre-med students who wish to gain more insight into the medical world. Duck Med is also being published with the current pandemic in mind; the importance of medicine has been highlighted throughout the past year, providing an even more extensive need for such a newsletter. “I thought it would be the perfect time to publish a newsletter which not only educates and brings awareness to current events, but also allows Stevens students to learn about the opportunities offered at Stevens,” Shah stated. Shah is the Vice-President of the Stevens Health Professions Club (SHPC) and the Scalpel for Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED), which is the Pre-Health Honors Society at Stevens.

Thus far, the newsletter contains articles classified under four main topics: ethics in healthcare and research, FAQ about COVID, mental health, and updates from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). As the newsletter grows, more topics and features are being included in each issue. Most recently, the topic of “Community” has been added, which focuses on community service and organizations that are centered in charity work. The newsletter also has separate features as well, where they “highlight new innovations,” including telemedicine and Noble Prize awards, according to Shah. Other features include “Student Spotlight” and “Tips of Success” from professors. Finally, the newsletter includes updates on the Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC), as well as any upcoming events relating to pre-health. 

So far, Duck Med issues have been published in November and December of 2020. The next issue will be released later in February. “For the February newsletter, we would like to recognize the importance of the Black Community in medicine and honor a few businesses that have shown tremendous support for the Black Community,” said Shah. 

Currently, Duck Med participants mainly consist of the Executive Board members of SHPC and AED . However, the newsletter is open for contribution from all undergraduate students, as well as Stevens professionals and other organizations that wish to collaborate. According to Shah, “The newsletter is open to everyone and is not secluded to just pre-health students. It is a great opportunity and platform for students to learn about the healthcare community and perhaps pursue a career in healthcare as well.” 

Contact or to get involved. The Duck Med newsletter is available on DuckLink, CCB Canvas pages, HPAC, and within chemistry and biology courses.

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