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Beginnings of a second semester speed-run

Buckle up ladies and gentlemen because this 2021 Spring semester will be one of the fastest you’ve ever experienced. Really, don’t even blink because it’ll be over before you know it. Unless you’re in Differential Equations, in that case you should start rapidly blinking right about now.

All throughout middle school, I envied high school students for their shorter school years. Those final days in June felt like decades I spent trapped in the classroom while high school students ran around enjoying the best of the summer sun. Okay, well, maybe it wasn’t all doom and gloom. For the most part, those last two weeks of the school year were actually more fun than frightening because we didn’t have finals back in those good ol’ days. When I got to high school, I realized that my middle school self was mistaken and I was not yet at the top of the totem pole — lo and behold, college semesters go by even faster. I was absolutely mind blown by that fact and now, with the elimination of spring break, we’ve officially reached maximum speed. I mean I don’t even think that the rate the Heart of Gold was traveling at when it picked up Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect could compare to how fast we’re going right now. 

It’s weird to think that an eighth of my college experience is over and done with, and that there’s only seven semesters left to go. That, and I’m at the beginning of a second semester speed-run, so soon enough freshman year will be a thing of the past. Have I spent it how I thought I would? Not in the slightest. I will unabashedly admit that a sizable portion of my “freshman college experience” is spent in my room reading books. That might sound a little boring and out-of-date, but how would I have been able to make a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference otherwise? 

In all seriousness, being an online student has been unexpectedly pleasant, although I might be one of the few to take that stance. Sure, I’ll never get to turn back the clock and experience a number of quintessential freshman year things like everything related to campus life in general, but I’m not complaining and have no reason to. Part of that is because I’ve perfected my lemon bar recipe, though it’s mostly since I’ve been able to do school and meet people through Zoom breakout rooms and DMs. So here’s to the beginning of a second semester speed-run, because speed-wise we’ve finally achieved greatness.

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