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For our readers (9/29/20)

The Stute is committed to being a neutral platform for all members of the Stevens community to utilize. That being said, we apologize for our use of poor judgement in allowing recent events surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement to be a topic of political debate. Going forward we will not be allowing these matters to be a topic for political debate. We acknowledge that while students do have opposing viewpoints on these matters, we do not believe our publication is the place to represent them at the current time.

As stated earlier we are committed to being a neutral platform and avoiding censorship as much as we possibly can; however, we do acknowledge that our readers are a priority, and if a piece of writing that we publish proves to be hurtful towards the Stevens community, we will use our best judgement to censor it. For that reason we have removed the recent Campus Conservative Opinion column from our website, and it will not be published again. We have additionally removed the counter Campus Liberal Opinion column as a way of following through on our decision to no longer allow events surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement be a topic of political debate. However, going forward we will continue to allow both writers and their respective Liberal and Conservative views to be heard.

The Stute would like to remind its readers that all views presented in Opinion columns are the views of the writer and do not represent the views of The Stute as a whole. As stated earlier we are committed to being a platform that all members of the Stevens community can utilize. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us and/or submit a Letter to the Editor to have your voice heard. More information on submitting a Letter to the Editor can be found on our website.

The Stute Executive Board

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