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Attention, attention! Are you getting the alerts?

If there were an active shooter on campus, how would you find out? Facebook? A group message? Simply pray that you won’t need to find out?

There is only one sure-fire way to get immediate notices on the most important events happening around campus: Stevens Alerts, a system powered by Everbridge Alert System that administrators say isn’t being used by enough students.

Sara Klein, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, stresses that Stevens Alerts provides recipients with “critical and sometimes life-saving information.”

If you’re not signed up, you should. You could miss out on an urgent safety notice.

“For example,” she said, “if there was an active shooter on campus, Stevens would use the Alert System to notify our community within moments through texts and emails and provide instructions on how to proceed. Trusting any other resource for unofficial guidance could jeopardize the safety of each individual.”

Messages are sent once or twice a year and happen only in extreme circumstances. “Students received more Stevens Alerts than usual during the cyber-attack because without email it was our only means of communication,” Klein added. Information about building closures, snow days, and other time-sensitive information is also provided.

Anyone can sign up for Stevens Alerts at

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