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Greek life and mental health

At Stevens, it is important that all students have access to the resources they need to improve their mental health. Positive mental health is something that people struggle with in today’s society, so it’s something everyone should aim to improve. Mental health disorders can cause students to struggle with academic and athletic performance, attitude, and work ethic. As a result, it is important that our Greek life organizations educate their members on mental health issues and provide them with the proper resources.

What do our Greek life organizations do to inform and help their members? President of Sigma Delta Tau, Kaylee Shepard, explains that they put the mental health of their members above all else. They also stress the importance of mental health within their philanthropy. Shepard said,
“Last year, Sigma Delta Tau added the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention as our local philanthropy. We raise money for and participate in the annual Out of the Darkness Walk. Our Health & Wellness Chair sends out monthly newsletters and plans events for sisters to ensure we are taking a moment to focus on our own well-being.”

She also explained their sisters-at-large program, which provides their members with someone to talk to when they need guidance. “Additionally, we have sisters-at-large, a pair of sisters who are there to support the chapter whenever they need someone. These sisters also pair up members in the chapter with a ‘support sister’ every semester. A support sister can be their go-to person for advice, someone who is always there to listen, or just a sister they form a new bond with.”

It is important to make sure that the members of each Greek organization feel that they have a strong support system and the proper resources if they are ever experiencing any distress. In order to get more insight, The Stute contacted Matthew Perri, a new member of Beta Theta Pi. When asked if he felt supported by his brothers as a new member, Perri explained that he has a very strong support system, saying, “After receiving a bid to Beta, I felt an overwhelming feeling of camaraderie and support. Every brother makes it clear that I can go to them for any issue whether it is big or small.”

Beta Theta Pi has already started to educate their new members on the importance of mental health and introduce them to one of our resources on campus. Perri added, “Recently Beta had all of the brothers come to the house and listen to a representative from Stevens’ Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) talk about mental health and how to find help on campus. Without this meeting, I would not have known about CAPS and would not know where to go for help if I needed it. If I ever had a mental health issue, I would now know what to do and where to go.”

It is important that all students have a strong support system like the brothers of Beta Theta Pi and the sisters of Sigma Delta Tau. CAPS is a great resource for students on campus, providing short-term counseling, urgent-care services, group therapy, and much more. Never be afraid to utilize these resources— you are never alone!

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