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Murals under the DeBaun Athletic Field bleachers are coming

Murals will be painted along the red columns and sides of the staircases. Photo courtesy of Natalie Todaro.

Red columns, stairs, slabs of concrete, green turf, and fences. Can you picture where you are? How about the street that runs parallel to DeBaun Athletic Complex, under the bleachers? Also known as that weird street that nobody knows the name of (it’s actually called Field House Road). But whether you walk from an upper campus dorm or through the 8th street parking lot to get to your classes, you’ve probably walked down this street at some point during your time at Stevens. Get ready for a future of colorful walks down Field House Road, because on October 10 an SGA initiative to have student-painted murals along the pathway was approved.

The initiative was proposed in the Fall 2018 semester by Elina Tuder, current member of the Campus Life Committee (CLC) and Senator of the Student Government Association (SGA). Tuder and Jon Darlak, former Chair of CLC, sought to increase the amount of student artwork on campus. In order to make sure there was student interest outside of members of the SGA, a small survey consisting of about 40 people was conducted that asked if they would like to see more student artwork on campus, what kind, and where. Tuder reports, “Several students said they wanted to see murals, and one person suggested to do something under the bleachers.” E.J. Hannah, current Chair of CLC, commented, “Our campus is undergoing significant construction, making students feel boxed in […] While our time on this campus is significant, it’s also very temporary. The large projects to improve our community are defining our institution for decades to come.”

Once it was clear that murals under the bleachers were of interest to many students, Tuder and former SGA Senator Isabella Biesty wrote a proposal to submit to the Office of Student Life that explained their initiative and motives. At the end of the Fall 2018 semester, the proposal was sent back to Tuder and Biesty to be rewritten and reconstructed with more details containing specifics and in-depth descriptions. Over the winter intersession and into the Spring 2019 semester, Tuder reworked the proposal with the help of Hannah, and resubmitted it to the Office of Student Life.

Several administrators, including Sara Klein, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, and Bob Maffia, Vice President of Facilities and Campus Operations, had to bring the proposal to President Farvardin and his cabinet to garner approval. Klein explains, “I approved this proposal […] after working with many administrators across campus involved with different aspects of the decision.” On October 10, Tuder received an email from Klein stating that the murals were approved.

The SGA and the Office of Student Life assures that they both will not be attempting to influence what the murals will specifically depict; students will have the opportunity to submit individual or group applications on DuckLink proposing their ideas. Students will need to submit a sketch or rendering of their design, including dimensions and supplies needed. However, CLC will purchase all the supplies that students request. This initiative of allowing students outside of the SGA to participate through applications coincides with the CLC’s motive to have more student artwork displayed on campus in a way that is more visible to the entire student body. Klein expressed, “I hope that students will feel proud to display their artwork on campus, and that the designs will bring vibrancy to the area behind Schaefer Athletic Center.”

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