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Cloud Zombies exhibit at Historical Museum

For only a few more days, folks can visit the Hoboken Historical Museum to view the immersive, 3-D exhibit created by Steve Vineza. A Hoboken native who has been decorating his garden throughout the summer and fall at 11th and Garden Street annually for over 10 years, Vineza says his exhibit is meant to “stimulate you to have your own experience and your own ideas.”

The museum invited Vizena to “create a display that captures the spirit of those art assemblages, and to bring his archived images of past Halloween creations, along with a display of some of his other visual art.” The glowing, fantastic representations of people obsessed with phones bright up the upper level of the historical museum.

“Artists are trying to communicate how they see the world; how we see the world and ourselves in it and how we experience life,” said Vineza in an interview with the Hoboken Historical Museum regarding his exhibit titled “Cloud Zombies Visit the Museum.”

Vineza said in an interview with the museum that he was inspired to create this piece after “dodging zombies” while navigating through crowds of phone-mesmerized pedestrians on the streets of Hoboken and New York. He worries about how the two-dimensional screens are affecting the way contemporary humans connect to the world, how we perceive our visual world and the reality we experience.

His fascination with the growing influence of screens on society is what inspired his “Cloud Zombies” series around Halloween. What he finds ironic is that “most visitors simply snapped a quick image with their phones and moved on, without realizing the Art was about what they had just done — substituting a photograph, made possible with technology advances in phone cameras, for actual experience, engagement, and comprehension of what was before them.”

The exhibit has been open on the upper level of the museum since September 21 and will remain open until November 3.

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