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Inappropriate Unplanned screening

To whom it may concern,

As you may or may not be aware, the Newman Catholic and College Republicans groups held a screening of the factually incorrect and politically inflammatory movie Unplanned this week in EAS. Coming on the heels of the Catholic Association’s stunt with their pro-life table this past spring semester, which resulted in the members of the club there aggressively engaging and verbally attacking the women who walked past them, I hope it is obvious why this event would concern me. At the time of the pro-life table, I communicated my discomfort to the SGA and was assured that events surrounding controversial subject matter that disproportionately affect a minority on campus like this would be more carefully and respectfully handled.

I can see that instead, Stevens is fostering an atmosphere of intolerance toward members of their population that are at a distinct disadvantage. It is no secret that the Stevens undergraduate population is still overwhelmingly male, with only about 30% of students identifying as female. It is no surprise that women are disproportionately affected by the debate around abortion in social, political, and medical issues. What is surprising, at least to me, is that Stevens is willing to allow this sort of aggression on campus in spite of the growing concern around such events and the misinformation they spread. As I mentioned to the SGA the last time an aggressive and ill-conceived event like this sprang up on campus, I am not opposed to the discussion and debate of such a complicated and emotionally wrought issue. However, allowing events like this to throw around misinformation unchecked is irresponsible on the part of both the club itself and the overseeing entities put in place to keep Stevens a safe and welcoming place.

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