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Latinx Council formed

From the massive construction taking place on campus to the larger emphasis on diversity, many important changes are taking place all throughout Stevens. One such change is the new Latinx Council. The Latinx Council is just one example of how cultural organizations are striving to promote diversity among the undergraduate student body. 

Currently, the council is comprised of the Presidents of four Latinx organizations on campus, including Kevin Largacha (La Unidad Latina Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Inc.), Sebastian Cano (Latin American Association), Casandra Gonzalez and Monica Williams (Omega Phi Beta Sorority Inc.), and Giovanni Duran (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers). With the collaboration of these four organizations, the council hopes to improve intra-organizational coordination and communication. In addition to the alliance between the Latinx organizations, the council members also hold their own leadership positions. Currently, Duran holds the position of President, Williams is the Vice President of Operations, Cano is the Vice President of Programming, and Largacha is the Vice President of Community Service. With their new positions, the Latinx Council hopes to focus on more specific tasks that will benefit themselves and the surrounding community.

Before the emergence of the council, each distinct Latinx organization broadcasted to the same audience in different social, cultural, educational, and professional disciplines. But, with a joint collaboration of the councils, the presidents can create a more unified team to be more supportive of each other. The purpose of this council is to create more background coordination between the Latinx organizations. 

Additionally, the council plans to bring one keynote speaker per semester to campus. This semester they plan on bringing Malena Higuera, the first Latina to graduate from Stevens, to speak about her time at Stevens and her experience beyond graduation. Next semester, the council is sponsoring Felipe Luciano, one of the seven founders of the Young Lords (a Latino Activist group based in New York City). Next year, the council hopes to present Dolores Huerta, one of the most influential advocates for Latinx rights in the history of the United States. With these speakers, the council hopes to inspire students to do more for their community and allow them to see how others have impacted the Latinx community.

If you’re interested in joining or learning more about the Latinx Council, they meet once a month and plan their meeting two weeks prior to the actual meeting. There will be a Latinx Heritage Month Community Mural Event on Wednesday, September 18 from 3 to 5 p.m. on Babbio Patio and a SHPE LatinX in the Workplace Alumni Panel on Thursday, October 3 from 9 to 10 p.m. in BC 122.

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