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It’s been three days… ish

Every Monday, I wake up at around 11 a.m. and groggily get out bed. I get dressed, and then head to my 12 p.m. international politics class. Then, I sit in class for nine hours and end my day after my last class ends at 9 p.m.

And that’s my week, everyone.

Yes, that’s correct. I have one day of class. And — yes, it’s ok to be shocked — or annoyed — or confused.

I’m taking 12 credits this semester — and three of those credits are for senior research, which doesn’t have a set meeting time. Needless to say, nine credits of actual classes gives you a lot of free time, especially when all the classes are on one day of the week.

While I appreciate the free time, frankly, I don’t know what to do with it. Yeah, I’m in a few organizations on campus, but that only takes up so much time. Typically, I resort to absorbing myself in video games, or hanging out with friends. However, I’m looking for something more, something “bigger.”

I’ve applied to a few internships over the past few weeks, but I’ve gotten nothing. I’m just trekking through the job search of finding work during the semester, and after graduation. It has consumed a lot of my free time. However, this isn’t “impactful” — blindly filling out application after application, making small edits in between. Most of the time, I hear nothing, let alone get a “rejection” back in the mail.

With having only three days of classes so far this semester, it’s hardly fair to say I’ve been making progress through my senior year. Extracurricular wise? Yes, I have. I’ve “progressed” through my financial roles in all of my organizations. Socially? Yes, I’ve hung out with friends and began basking in the fact that it’s my senior year. But academically? I haven’t done anything intense in any of my classes. I can’t make a judgement yet.

Additionally, with my academic workload, I haven’t hit any major checkmarks of senior year yet. I haven’t had any exams or major homework assignments due. I haven’t even been told the guidelines for my senior research project, let alone started it. I haven’t even started figuring out my application for candidacy yet.

With my one day of class a week, it still feels surreal that my second-to-last semester has started. Clubs, specifically The Stute, are the one thing that draws me back to the grind of school going by week by week. At least, until my laptop charger broke, combined with our computers, the ethernet, and the storage drive being down, making paper production impossible for me. But, hey, it’s been 42 days! What’s another 42 more to get back to normal, and actually feeling like I’m progressing through senior year.

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