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Mental Health at Stevens

College can be a lot, and is both physically and mentally taxing. It is not unusual at all to feel anxious, depressed, drained, or homesick at times. If these feelings are persistent and affect your life on a larger scale, it may help to visit CAPS, Stevens’ Counseling and Psychological Services. They can help make sense of what’s going on in your life and refer you to a local specialist if needed.

Psychologists exist to help you with your concerns about school, life, and just about anything that’s going on. Some of the common reasons people go to CAPS are:

  • Personal Concerns: Adjusting to college, acculturation issues, difficulty coping, stress, past traumatic experiences, social concerns, sexuality, family crisis, excessive video gaming, roommate concerns, and other personal issues.
  • Psychological Issues: Depression, anxiety, panic, eating disorders, substance misuse/abuse, suicidality, attention/concentration difficulties, sleep disorders, and other psychological issues.
  • Interpersonal Concerns: Communication skills, dating/relationships, conflict management.
  • Crisis Intervention Services: Acute stress, sexual assault, death of a family member or friend.

To make an appointment with CAPS, you can visit them at the Student Wellness Center, 2nd floor and complete a brief application for services, or call their office at 201-216-5177 to schedule an appointment. Walk-in hours are weekdays from 2 to 4 p.m. so you can see a specialist without having made an appointment.

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