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The Mueller Report Fallout

After roughly two years, accusations from both sides of the aisle, and loads of speculation, the famed Mueller Report has finally been delivered to Attorney General William Barr. A few short days later Barr released a summary of the report based on his understanding of what Special Counsel Robert Muller and his team had documented in the report. Even though the report has been delivered and we have an idea of what’s in it, this story is far from over: we can make a few conclusions about what the report may contain and what all this means going forward. So let’s try and establish some sort of a timeline.

First off, the night before the report was delivered to the Justice Department, we learned that there were no additional indictments. However, there was a grand total of 199 criminal charges, 37 indictments or guilty pleas, and 5 prison sentences. It is critical to note that many of these charges, including those aimed at former Trump associates, were not related to the 2016 presidential campaign. The good news about no additional indictments meant it was more likely that the President had not colluded with the Russians.

It wasn’t until a few days later when the Attorney General stated “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” Although Barr is very clear in that statement, we still must trust that he is telling the public the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. For now, let’s trust what he’s saying because chances are the American people, or at the very least members of Congress, will get to see the report. It wouldn’t make sense for Barr to lie about anything because he would likely get caught later.

Barr also noted in his summary that this report did not make any conclusions about whether or not Trump obstructed justice. On one hand, this clearly doesn’t look good for Trump, but on the other there is still a fair chance that he did nothing wrong.

Although this all seems fairly cut and dry, members of Congress, specifically the Democrats, are still holding out hope that there is something else being hidden in this report that Barr refuses to expose. This thinking is clearly silly and delusional. But let’s assume for a minute that they’re right. There must be collusion hidden somewhere in the report so we need to release it to Congress and the public. If Barr is telling the truth, this only helps the President and makes the Democrats look foolish. If Barr lied, the Trump administration will basically cease to exist and the country will be thrown into a panic attack. Now I’m not just saying that to scare you or make it appear as if this report should never see the light of day, I’m simply speculating based on the way this nation reacts to the smallest of instances.

So where do we go from here? Based on my logic, I say release the report and let the chips fall where they may. I doubt the Trump administration has anything to worry about, and they will have the opportunity to tear into the crazed Democrats that want to take Trump down. I should also mention, that in this world there’s always an unseen twist that could come down the road and everything I laid out could be for nothing. But on the odds that I’m right, it looks like nothing but smooth sailing for Trump and the Republicans for the next two to six years.

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