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Senioritis, where art thou?

Like many of my peers, I assumed that my second semester in my senior year here would be much like the one I had in high school: no stress, no worries, just chilling and living my best life.

Alas! T’was only a dream. (I hope you enjoyed my pseudo-Shakespeare.)

Honestly, though, I didn’t expect my second semester to be as… intense as it is. Yet here we are, in week three of classes, and I’m just barely managing to keep my head above the floodwaters. As much as I’d love to ‘chill,’ my 19-credit semester, two classes at Hudson County Community College (HCCC), senior design, and graduate project all don’t agree with me.

Is this really how it all ends? Me, fighting to the death with my obligations and exams, all but wrangling my diploma away in my final days here?

I’d like to hope not. But my lack of free time means I’ve been doing my best to spend what little of it I have left on the things I do care about.

Seeing friends. Squeezing in a workout, every now and then. Trying to eat a vegetable or two. Bingeing Netflix, but responsibly. (I just finished Sex Education and loved every minute of it. Highly recommend.)

It’s a tenuous balancing act. It’s probably tempting, right now, to just go on auto-pilot, to throw in the towel. (I know I’d much rather spend my evenings at a happy hour or a trivia night than typing up this column, or running after yet another requirement for my FE 800 class.) But it’ll be worth it, in the end.

To any seniors feeling similarly overwhelmed: hang in. We’ve all got this! But also, reach out. Talk to each other. It’s tempting to say ‘I’m doing alright,’ even when nothing could be further from the truth. But it’s okay — you’d be surprised at how many people are going through the same things, and how liberating it is to let someone know that it’s all a lot, but you’re still crushing it.

And to any seniors who somehow finessed taking 12 credits or less this semester: please, please enjoy it. On my behalf. Thanks!

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