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New SGA Cabinet Inaugurated

The new Student Government Association cabinet was inaugurated into office on Wednesday, January 23 at 8 PM. This was the first year for the inauguration to take place in the evening, due to the removal of academic break last semester.

As about 25 people milled around in Babbio Atrium, most of them current or former members of the Student Government Association, former SGA President Lucas Gallo prepared to speak. He began with his usual greetings and thanksgivings, highlighting accomplishments of the SGA and his cabinet during his term. He didn’t speak for very long, but in closing he presented a valuable quote from the 1913 Editor-and-Chief of The Stute, who said, “to the members, and especially the recently elected officers of the organization, who indeed could not have been better selected, I would say: the life, the reputation, the very honor of our Alma Mater rests within your grasp. Henceforth, it is to you, as arbiters, that all faces will turn. And it is your judgment, your honor and your integrity that will hinge the gates to success.” With one last thanks and a cheers for the new cabinet, he conceded the podium.

When incoming President Jason Chlus took the stand, he was eager to thank those in attendance and make his appreciation of his predecessor clear. He stressed that he and his cabinet promised to “uphold all of the duties of our positions while striving to make Stevens a better place…that is our only goal.” Turning to his cabinet, he acknowledged that they had “big shoes to fill,” but expressed nothing but certainty that they could rise to the challenge. Finally, he addressed the student body and encouraged them to “use SGA as a tool. Use us to better your experience, bombard us with thoughts and ideas that pop into your mind. Get to know a member of the SGA, if not join yourself, and you can achieve a lot more than you think.” With that, he and his cabinet prepared to take the oath of office.

SGA Parliamentarian (now Speaker) Dylan James Moon then performed the honor of swearing in Chlus and the new cabinet. After reciting the oath, it was signed by Chlus, VP of Operations Ryan Tom, VP of Finance Elena Malova, VP of Student Interests Nina Ioanis, VP of Academic Affairs Alex Reina, and Secretary Madison Gemma.

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