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Second annual Out of the Darkness Walk

For the second year in a row, the Hoboken and Stevens communities gathered together in efforts to raise awareness of suicide prevention through the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Out of the Darkness Walk. Uniting the communities for a moment to acknowledge the ways in which suicide and mental illness have affected the local communities, this year’s walk had a total of 625 participants, a major increase from last year. Made up of 52 teams, the communities represented included Union City, Jersey City, Hoboken, and Stevens.

Prior to the 5k walk, which started at the Babbio East Patio, nine selected participants stood in front of the crowd representing the reasons why they chose to walk in the Out of the Darkness event. The nine wore different colored “honor” beads, each showing a different personal connection to the cause and symbolically showing the effects of suicide and mental health on the community. Whether it was the loss of a loved one, personal struggle, or simply supporting the cause to raise awareness of suicide prevention, the beads showed that the entire community can be affected. These beads, in addition to pins, were passed out by volunteers, many of whom were Stevens students.

Ashley Peck, President of the Stevens Chapter of Active Minds, coordinated with the Hoboken community and expressed that the Out of the Darkness event is important to be hosted as a community walk because “it shows that the entire community supports the cause, and the event is a testament that those that suffer personally or through a loved one are not alone.”

With a goal of $30,000, the Hoboken community walk page has raised a total of $29,322 as of writing towards the AFSP. Although the event has already passed, donations will be accepted until December 31 on the Hoboken community walk AFSP website. Each dollar counts towards local programming of raising awareness of suicide prevention and has relieved the cost of mental health speakers through Active Minds. In continuation of suicide prevention and mental health awareness, Active Minds is hosting a mental health open mic monologue on November 14.

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