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Columnist ousted from own column Girl Talk after facing criticism that the very word “Girl” infantilizes women

Things are not looking good for the Stute’s columnists these days. Of them, it’s the scandal-afflicted, Lady Macbethian columnist Namankita Rana who is doing the worst. Yes, the news is true — Girl Talk will be discontinued thanks to particularly vitriolic backlash re: the column’s name.

One-time (and only one-time) Stute reader Sankee Maringanti expressed these concerns, which are believed to have led to Namankita’s resignation from the column. As she told the Stute, “Why is the column called GIRL talk? Why not WOMAN TALK? Namankita needs to STOP INFANTILIZING WOMEN!”

Maringanti continues, “Namankita is out of touch with the experiences of women on campus and can no longer claim to be one of us. Her woman card is revoked, effective immediately.” No word on how exactly that will happen, or even whether Maringanti has the authority to revoke someone’s woman card at all, but as she assured our reporters, one’s qualifications for a position of power don’t matter anymore anyways, so who cares?

This is hardly the first criticism the column has come up against. Others have argued that the column is too offensive to men, who rarely get their perspective or fair share in the professional and social spheres. Still others believe that women are biologically predisposed to excel in STEM, while men are not, and the propagation of this column was only furthering those unfair sentiments. Weird!

With a devout readership of exactly two women on campus (one of whom is the Stute’s Editor in Chief Maryia Spirydonova, and the other of whom is the overworked and underappreciated Managing Editor Audrey Dsouza — both of whom are literally REQUIRED to read said column before it goes into print), it’s safe to say that we don’t think the column will be missed much.

In other news, “Girl Talk” will be replaced by “Man Talk,” a column focused on discussing the struggles and issues of the much more under-represented male population on campus. No word as to who will be writing this column — finding someone with the crystal-clear clarity of vision to pen the unique male experience on Snevets campus has been a #struggle.

Namankita is not available for comment, although, yes, she did in fact write this article. Because no man was writing this article for her — she was purportedly “reclaiming her narrative” or something like that. Sad! What a nasty woman!

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