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ALEXANDER LOUDERBACK. Students made a snowman on Davis lawn.

The One About Snow Days

Over spring break, I was in Lisbon, Portugal, having the time of my life. A beautiful country, decent weather (despite the constant raining and windy days), and five days with a bunch of other Stevens students distracted me from all of my responsibilities back in New Jersey. While I was in Portugal, I learned that it had snowed in New Jersey just like it had the week before spring break, and I was silently thanking the universe for keeping me away from it. Now that I’m back in New Jersey, I am faced with the reality of the weather not being quite as beautiful as it had been in Lisbon. With all the recent snow days, students have been stuck in their rooms and homes. Snow is usually beautiful, but lately the conditions outside have been quite dangerous. Because of these harsh conditions, I thought it would be a good idea to make a “snow day survival guide.” This guide will be specific to dorm rooms because of the on-campus atmosphere at Stevens.

The first essential to a snow day at Stevens is a list of all the movies and/or television shows that you have wanted to binge all semester. You have most of the day to do whatever you want, so a Netflix or Hulu subscription should go a long way. At the top of my list for the next few snow days include (re)watching Clueless, finishing Everything Sucks and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and possibly catching up on How to Get Away With Murder. All shows previously mentioned are a great way to pass time, and I am excited to do so.

Pierce is not the best food in the world, so snow days are not necessarily the best when Stevens closes the satellite restaurants on campus. So, if you have notice before the snowstorm, it is a good idea to pick up some snacks and other food to make sure you don’t have to leave your residence hall during the storm. Personally, I think that popcorn, pizza bagels, and hot chocolate are necessary when facing a snowstorm.

Last and certainly the least fun, using your snow day to catch up on/get ahead on work is the most strategically intelligent idea. After all, we are Stevens students who have a lot of work. Spending the extra time to make it easier for you later on in the week is responsible and wise. But if you aren’t in the mood, catching up on the sleep you have been missing is so important. So, I hope that you do something to help and/or treat yourself this snow day.

Put on your favorite pair of pajamas, snuggle up underneath your blankets, and have a great, relaxed snow day. Just pray that we do not have many more because no one wants to extend the year even further than it already has been. Stay warm and stay safe!

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