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Accept the critiques

It’s only human to want to please everyone and to get upset when people disagree with what you do.  I have been in these situations many times and have been disappointed, and I’ve also seen others be stressed out over other people’s criticism. In the past, it would feel personal, discourage me from trying again in the future, and make me feel like I failed. It would be the worst feeling, pouring your heart and soul into doing something and then people responding in a negative way. Whether it’s because your work goes against someone else’s opinion or because another person thought the work could have been done better, you will never be able to please everyone.

As soon as you realize that pleasing everyone is impossible, you will be 100% happier. The important thing is that you are proud of the work that you accomplished and that it represents your best efforts. If people don’t agree with it, then it is their right, and it is your right to defend what you did.

Now, I just want to clarify — I am not referring to when your supervisor points out mistakes in your work. I mean the kind of critique that one receives from people on the internet or other similar outlets. Sure, you want everyone to like what you have done, but that will never be possible! Someone will always get offended by a particular view or point out mistakes that you made, and that is totally fine.

You can’t let life’s challenges get you down. Instead, you have to learn to take them into consideration and just brush them off. Feedback from others might be hurtful, but first you need to accept that not everyone will agree and just get better.

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