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Treat yo’ self

Today, it was brought to my attention that I let classes, and the fact that I’m not doing as well as I feel I should be in them, get to me and bring me down. I’m sure I’m not the only one. So for those of you who are tired of classes discouraging you and not knowing how much more effort you can possibly put in, I say: “treat yo’ self.” People are going to tell you, “don’t let it get to you,” or they’re going to try to tell you that everything will be fine. It’s not that you don’t know that everything will be fine, but right now you feel like you want to scream. Of course, you know that others have it harder and that you’re going to get through this, but right now, you want to complain and things don’t seem fair.

So instead of trying to pretend like these things don’t “get to you,” do something that will make you feel better (I find that desserts help). Sometimes, you need to put all that work on pause and go grab a coffee or catch up on a TV show. Believe me, the work will be there when you’re ready to get back to it, and, if anything, the amount might even grow. But if you are feeling defeated and drained, you aren’t going to want to do your work. You’re going to end up procrastinating and wasting so much time instead. So instead, do something for yourself. Whether it’s indulging in sweets, or splurging on something you wanted (just be smart in your splurges), you will feel motivated and driven again.

If you feel good, your work will be better. In fact, a new study conducted by the Social Market Foundation and the University of Warwick’s Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy, which is located in Great Britain, showed evidence that happier employees were more productive in the workplace. According to Fortune, “The experiment showed that productivity increased by an average of 12%, and reached as high as 20% above the control group.” Now 12% may not sound like a lot, but Dr. Daniel Sgroi, the author of the report, stated that in regards to GDP and economic growth, “rises of 3% or so are considered very large.”

So you heard the facts, now go and treat yo’ self!

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