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International Education Month

This past Monday marked the start of International Education Week (IEW), a nationally celebrated time period that was created with the intention of preparing Americans for a global environment whilst also attracting people from all over the world to further their education and exchange experiences. International Education Week (IEW) started on Nov. 13 and ended on Nov. 17, but unlike most universities and companies, Stevens has taken IEW a step further and extended it to last throughout the entire month of November. There are many events and weekly workshops that students are able to attend, all of which can be found on the International Programming section of the Stevens website.

One of the many events planned for IEW was the “International Cabaret Night,” which took place on Saturday, Nov. 4 and was hosted by Helene Beck and Sophie Hales. This event was designed to showcase some of the incredible talents held by Stevens’s international community, including students and professors. Some of these talents include Chinese and Indian dance, Chinese beatboxing, and many varieties of singing, including some Chinese songs. In addition to the entertainment and fun, there was also a large selection of food including kebabs, samosas, and dumplings.

In regards to the success of the event, over 150 students and professors were in attendance. However, this event would not have been possible without support from the many volunteers and artists who helped make this amazing night come to be. In case you missed this night of great music and festivities, be sure to come to International Dance Celebration, which will be held in the spring.

In addition to hosting events and activities Stevens international community also host a number of workshops and classes to help international students develop better skills in English and writing. The English Language Communication courses are designed to help students develop skills in reading, speech clarity, formal and informal interaction, writing skills in academic formats such as reports, presentations, and emails, and listening skills for social and academic situations. These classes provide a pressure free area for graduate students to practice English and develop better language skills at a pace that they find comfortable.    

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