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Interview with Chris Shemanski

by Veronica Melikov and Audrey D’Souza

As the Assistant Director of Student Life, Chris Shemanski is tasked with much more than one would expect. He oversees over a hundred clubs, the selection and training of the orientation leaders, and works with the Entertainment Committee (which is responsible for events on campus and trips),  as well as media organizations, including The Stute! 

“When you see something, walking past Palmer or Schafer Lawn, go and talk to somebody, go and find out what they’re doing, because the weather’s so great and it’s a really good time to do that,” he began. “You have on campus things – barbecues, dinner, festivals that have been on the lawn, all these sorts of entertainment acts, take advantage of that!”

He noticed a trend in new students, “There are two types; one who says yes to everything, they want to get involved in every single club possible. And then you have the other, who thinks, ‘I’m going to hold off’, and so what I recommend to students is to find a healthy balance.” He emphasized the importance of finding one or two things to be passionate about rather than being barely involved in many organizations. “Students that put themselves out there and try to explore new things that first semester really are set up for success…They’re more connected with faculty and other students, and ultimately feel more at home here.”

Shemanski also gave an inside scoop on the local food that is a must for incoming freshmen. Napoli’s, on 12th and Washington, should be on the list for those who are a fan of Italian cuisine, and also stated Robongi as his favorite sushi in Hoboken. As for coffee, he highly recommended Bwè Kafe saying, “Every student should go to Bwè and have a cup of coffee, or whatever they enjoy, there’s a large variety, and read there. Our women’s program did a book club there, which was really cool; taking advantage of these kinds of places, those nice spots in Hoboken.”

Finally, Shemanski offered words of assurance. “Please know I’m a resource. At any point, don’t ever feel like you’re burdening me! I will listen if you have an idea about programs you want to bring to campus. Totally come and talk to me, and any point in your time here don’t be a stranger!”

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