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The Stute

Union Republic, good decor, poor food

Is anyone surprised that I’ve chosen a restaurant from Jersey City again? After last week’s foray into Grove Street, I’ve decided to take a break from Manhattan and spend more time with our underrated neighbor on this side of the Hudson.

“Life in Color”

One of your favorite bands is in town and you’re at their concert. The band is playing your favorite song from their new album and it sounds amazing.

Whatever happened to the news?

Who is just as annoyed at the news media as I am? The quality just gets worse and worse and we are constantly subjected to it.

New mesh WiFi network provides increased bandwidth

A new company called BeWifi is hoping to increase Internet connectivity by letting you steal your neighbors’ unused bandwidth. Based in Barcelona, the idea behind BeWifi is simple.

Super Bowl XLVIII hits Hoboken

The city of Hoboken has had its good share of press in recent times. Between all the coverage of Sandy and the current investigation set off by Mayor Dawn Zimmer’s allegations of corruption in the Christie administration, Hoboken has done a good job of keeping itself in the public eye.

Engineers take their knowledge to the snow

Engineering secrets lie within the depths of the Snow Cave.
Few of us expected the contemptuous cold that hit the east coast on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, and fewer still saw that subsequent surprise snow day coming.