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The Stute

Pass the elk

Anyone who knows me knows that there’s nothing I appreciate more than a good burger. While the occasional trip to Manhattan to refill those special tanks that can only be filled by such establishments as Shake Shack and New York Burger Company are almost necessary, Hoboken has of late developed quite the variety of burgers, a delight to few more than myself.

The “T” stands for “technology”

A few years ago, we stood in line as eager freshmen to receive that guarantee for every student: a laptop. If you were enrolled as any major that didn’t start with “Music” or “Art”, you received the 17-inch behemoth of a computing machine.

Philosophy Club debates the nature of corporations

On September 10, the Philosophy Club had their first meeting with freshmen in attendance for the semester. Students dined on pizza and soda as they discussed the subject of the meeting, whether Corporations were inherently evil.

Get off your butt

Have you ever had the feeling that you didn’t want to do something because you knew in the end it didn’t really matter?

Stevens Medical Scholar Critiques Ebola “Fear Mongering”

A new semester has just started, and I’m more excited than usual—that is, less depressed that summer vacation is over. The College of Arts & Letters just hired two scholars to beef up our programs in Science and Technology Studies and Science Communication.


WCPR hosted ‘Disorientation: An EDM Showcase’ last Friday, which brought three DJ/producers to the Babbio Atrium for four hours of trance on Friday night.

Which Website?

Sometimes, I forget where I am. I actually wake up confused for a moment. Then I realize that I am in my dorm room – not home.