Between the Pebble Steel (and its other   competitors) and Google Glass, wearable tech has made its début. Engineers are looking for new and unique places for people to integrate themselves.
The Stute
Up to this point, a majority of WWE fans have disliked the state of the main event at WrestleMania 30. As it stood two weeks ago, the main event for WrestleMania 30 was WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton versus Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship (WWE WHC).
There are many things that I could choose to talk about for my first editorial.
I could talk about how honored I am to be accepted as the 112th (or 111th, I am not totally sure) Editor in Chief of this prestigious organization.
On Friday March seventh at eight pm the William C. Henderson library was transformed into a radiant music hall for the Honors Voice Recital.
In the heart of NYU’s established homebase lies an amazing Thai restaurant called Cafetasia. In general, the area between 14th Street and SoHo is filled with delicious, trendy, and affordable restaurants.
40 game developers from Stevens and the surrounding Hudson County area gathered in Morton and worked alongside 80 others in Nebreska and across the United States in the third annual games++ game jam.Â
Many a visitor to Jacobus on Wednesday, March 19, would be slightly confused by the newspapers scattered in circular patterns across the floor and the long cookout-tables bogged down by art materials and seeming junk.
While sometimes students drudge through their school work and rigorous curricula here at Stevens; frustrated as to why certain challenges are thrown their way; there is nothing more inspiring than successful alumni in order to help these students see the light.
The feminine presence grows ever larger at Stevens with each passing year, and that fact was exemplified on February 27th in Debaun Auditorium during the 13th annual reading of the Vagina Monologues, written by Eve Ensler and presented by the Women’s Fencing team in collaboration with other students, faculty, and the College of Arts and Letters.