For Stevens students, the focus of Mikie Squared Bar & Grill is the bar and not so much the grill. While their popularity among students for their drink specials is definitely warranted (for those of age, of course), they are far from a one-trick pony.
The Stute
On Wednesday October 1st, Erin Foley came to Stevens to speak about women empowerment and how to lead a fearless life.
The way I see Stevens, there are two types of people: the doers, and the do-nothings.
Of course, there is a lot more to it than that, but let’s pretend that every student at Stevens can be placed into one of these two categories.
Asking a Fraternity to put on blindfolds and find their way out of their house may sound more like an act of hazing than an informative presentation, but this is part of Fire Safety Coordinator Dan Cunning’s campus-wide education program.
Microsoft announced its new iteration of its desktop and tablet operating system this Tuesday, titled Windows 10: “Windows 10 will deliver the right experience on the right device at the right time,” said Microsoft’s Terry Myerson.
This past Wednesday, Stevens students had the opportunity to help support the Society of Women Engineers while enjoying delicious frozen yogurt.
Last June, I attended the annual “Dialogue” of the Breakthrough Institute, an Oakland, California, thinktank that challenges mainstream environmental positions, and then I wrote positively about it.
I have a friend named Matt Healey. We became friends in high school and would see each other regularly either in concert choir or in the theatre during rehearsal.
Every semester, a group of Deans from different schools within the Stevens community invites guests to attend the Deans’ Seminar Series.
This Thursday, the Aeronautics Club, led by Jeremy Simoes, had their 3rd lecture in a series on rocketry. This semester, the club is focusing on rockets.