On March 24, 1991, The Undertaker, accompanied by the late Paul Bearer, defeated Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka at WrestleMania VII: this was The Undertaker’s first victory and debut at WrestleMania.
The Stute
"Catastrophic" does not begin to describe this event. The problem is so bad that attackers have been reading and dumping plaintext passwords for individuals' Yahoo! Mail accounts. Yes, personal email accounts are having their passwords leaked. And it does not stop there. Hundreds of sites are vulnerable (and are still vulnerable as of the writing of this article). The best way to describe this vulnerability is as a complete break of Internet security.
Last Wednesday, on April 9, 2014, the Hayden lot filled up with a hundred people at 1:00 p.m. Within half an hour later, the crowd ballooned up to a few hundred more because the Ethnic Student Council (ESC), the umbrella organization of ethnic Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), held its annual UNITY Carnival.
On April 4, 2014, following the initiation of their new sisters, the Theta Phi Alpha sorority held a French toast fundraiser.
I don’t usually watch the clock when it comes to the school year, but it’s almost that time. Many classes only have 4 or 5 weeks left before finals.
Pawn to E4. Knight to F6. Bishop to D3. Chess pieces were flying around the board this past Friday, April 4, 2014, as the Chess Club hosted their semesterly bughouse tournament in Babbio 210.
Since I began writing “The Stute Smackdown,” my focus has fluctuated from standalone editorials about various aspects of the professional wrestling industry to summary and analysis of WWE programming.
On Monday, March 31, Pierce Dining Hall decided to take a shift from its usual dinner offerings. Students were greeted with a handful of fun beach-themed activities and live music performance in addition of the main highlight of the dinner: carefully-crafted cuisines from recipes prepared by chefs from three different universities, Marist College, SUNY New Paltz, and our own Stevens Institute of Technology.