In order to compete for fans’ attention, modern video games are often marked by intricacies in designs and various systems. Recently, video game advertisements attract fans’ attention by showcasing exciting new features often in the forms of complex gameplay based on many of the game’s elements.
The Stute
Piracy is stupidly easy.
In previous editorials, I have made comments about the Internet on a variety of topics, including one regarding online anonymity.
Last Friday, millions of Snapchat users were dismayed to find 200,000 of their sent pictures leaked on the Internet. The leak came from a third-party plugin that uses Snapchat’s unofficial API,,
This Fall, Stevens welcomes a new member to the Sodexo family. Executive Chef Kenneth Fredericks has been at Stevens for two weeks, and has already found great ways of improving the dining experience, and most importantly that of Pierce Dining Hall.
At a first glance, Linda Sanford looks like any other businesswoman: congenial, well-spoken, and professional. However, the petite lady dressed in blue who stood in front of Stevens students, alumni, and working business professionals is actually the Senior Vice-President of IBM in Enterprise Transformation.
I feel like I’ve been a different person since I’ve come to Stevens. This past week, I was actually a little sad about it.
By Ally Doyle
There was an abundance of smiles, color, and cramps last Sunday, ushering in the first annual Color Run for the Stevens community.
As if the doors were replaced with portals, entering Jacobus Lounge on the evening of October 2, one was transported to a new world; Latin America.
How do you review a game like Super Smash Bros.? Almost everyone has played it, and most people either love the series or hate it, with very few falling in-between.
It is safe to say that many of the students here at Stevens Institute of Technology want to be engineers; however, what exactly does an engineer do on a daily basis?