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The Stute

Letters to the editor and the registrar

This is a response to the Letter to the Editor provided to us last week: while I may not agree with your consistent reference to the Wizard of Oz, I wholehearted agree with your disposition against the Registrar.

A conversation with Marques Brownlee

Stevens student Marques Brownlee, perhaps better known as “MKBHD” on YouTube, has had a hugely successful multi-year run with videos he shoots and produces himself from his apartment in Hoboken, culminating to a subscriber base today of nearly 2 million viewers.

Theater: the root of modern media technology

It’s no question that ideas, concepts, and trends change throughout the generations, and the changes can be drastic. And music and theater are certainly no exceptions.

My changing views on entrepreneurship

Stevens is changing the way I think about entrepreneurship.

I am still very apprehensive about entrepreneurs and their startup businesses. I just hate the risk involved and the uncertainty moving forward with a startup.

Ghost campus

If you’re interested in reading something spooky about Stevens, put this paper down and go find last week’s issue of The Stute.