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The Stute

Benvenuti a Firenze!

These first ten days in Florence have been such a whirlwind! I started my first ever travel journal about four days into my stay.

The snow must go on

Well, the first Thursday of the semester has been cancelled due to snow. I guess it’s just a matter of time before classes become so far behind that the days off will cease to be enjoyable and begin being actual problems. new & improved


It has been a long time coming, but we are proud to say that our new website is now up. After switching content management services and working out some internal issues, you can now get all of our content on your computer, tablet, or phone, in addition to traditional print.

Can science and faith coexist?

First ever Stevens Veritas Forum hosted on Wednesday

It was Wednesday, February 5, 2014, 9:00 p.m., and a full capacity Babbio Center 122 – it was the first-ever Veritas Forum at Stevens Institute of Technology, and the topic at hand could not be more controversial: can faith and science coexist?

Students develop app to suit needs of medical employees

It’s got a relaxing name, but the creators of this app put quite a lot of hard work into it. It will take such effort to keep up with the explosive markets of mobile apps and medicine, and SPA joins the dichotomy quite nicely.