This is a response to the Letter to the Editor provided to us last week: while I may not agree with your consistent reference to the Wizard of Oz, I wholehearted agree with your disposition against the Registrar.
The Stute
For yet another week, my efforts to visit the establishment which I have been craving go unfulfilled due to a combination of my own schedule and hours that don’t exactly line up with co-op.
Stevens student Marques Brownlee, perhaps better known as “MKBHD” on YouTube, has had a hugely successful multi-year run with videos he shoots and produces himself from his apartment in Hoboken, culminating to a subscriber base today of nearly 2 million viewers.
It’s no question that ideas, concepts, and trends change throughout the generations, and the changes can be drastic. And music and theater are certainly no exceptions.
I met Stephen Hawking in the summer of 1990, when I spent five days in northern Sweden at a conference attended by 30 or so leading cosmologists.
With the advent of music streaming services such as Spotify and Google Play Music All Access, companies saw fit to forgo high-bitrate audio files in favor of lossy 256- and 320-kbps MP3s to conserve users’ mobile bandwidth and allow for less buffering time.
Stevens is changing the way I think about entrepreneurship.
I am still very apprehensive about entrepreneurs and their startup businesses. I just hate the risk involved and the uncertainty moving forward with a startup.
You have just graduated. Graduation has come and gone, and it is time to go out into the corporate world to acquire a job.
If you’re interested in reading something spooky about Stevens, put this paper down and go find last week’s issue of The Stute.
I am always looking to enjoy new games and figure out what makes them fun. Evolve caught my eye for the first time at the last PAX EAST, not only because of its giant monster (later known as “Goliath”), but also because of the endless line of attendees ready to give the game a shot.