On Martin Luther King Day, I searched online for commentary by King on science and discovered his 1964 Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, in which he dwelled on the gap between our scientific and moral progress.
The Stute
The IEEE chapter at Stevens hosted a lecture from Dr. Mihai Banu, CTO and founder of startup Blue Danube Systems, on Wednesday, October 22 in the Burchard 118 lecture hall.
With the pending end of the semester, students are cramped inside trying to finish final assignments while preparing for finals. It is only fitting that at this time, Stevens needs to be lit up with some holiday cheer and spirit to help get through the next few weeks.
Is it Hanukah? Or Hanukkah? Or Chanukkah? Regardless of its spelling, its history is unambiguous. If you take a gander into Books 1 and 2 of Maccabees, you’ll find the story of the Maccabees (Jewish for “hammer”), a small band of Jewish fighters who were subjugated by the Syrian Greeks.
Last Thanksgiving weekend was the strongest ever in online sales, with Americans spending just over $1 billion online on Thanksgiving Day, and $1.5 billion on Black Friday, according to Forrester Research.
The Polish American Cultural Society (PACS) opened the doors of Hayden Lounge this past Wednesday to students who wanted to experience Christmas the Polish way.
With the holidays coming around, most are preoccupied with thoughts of home, family, food, and love. And I am no exception.
For me, the introduction of Steam’s Exploration Sales marks the beginning of the end of the year. Video game fans of all kinds (save for Assassin’s Creed players) rejoiced in 2014 for the massive amount of great content.
Recently, there was an anonymous post on the Facebook page “Stevens Compliments & Crushes” regarding my column:
“Lisa Mendotto,
Please stop writing your depressing articles in the Stute.
#HandsupDon’tShoot. Michael Brown. Ferguson. Twitter, Facebook, The New York Times, and various other outlets have centered their focus on the recent decision by the St.