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The Stute

The KSA hosts Seoul Street Food Night

Last Thursday, on February 5 at 9:00 p.m., a crowd of students waited in anticipation inside Hayden Lounge to have a taste of Korean street cuisine offered at KSA’s Seoul Street Food event.

Love is not in the air

When it comes to love, I am, by and large, ashamed of my generation.

Ever since my generation learned how, hooking up has somehow found itself to be integrated into the ‘norm’ of our culture.

Chumped takes the stage at SUMAC concert night

The Stevens Underground Music Awareness Committee, or SUMAC, hosted a concert event last Friday night featuring Brooklyn pop-punk group Chumped, as well as performances from local bands Cutters; Basement Beers; Corrina, Corinna; and Friends in Distraction.

Valentine’s Day-Themed Knitting Club

It’s the same thing this year as it was last year. Young adults procrastinate getting a special someone something for Valentine’s Day.

The scoop on Pierce dining hall

Whether you are sitting down for a meal, grabbing a quick bite between classes, or getting a snack right before midnight, chances are if you are an underclassmen, RA, or average Joe you are eating somewhere on campus.

Do your job

“Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?” This line was going through my mind after one of the greatest Superbowl games in history.

Superbowl: not such a huge fan

Regarding the closure of the Schaefer Athletic Center:

I have never been a man for athletics. I never really connected to any sport, except swimming.

Life in the Wasteland

Many gamers know the award-winning Fallout series, which are tales of epic adventures in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. However, few recognized Fallout as a spiritual successor to another game called Wasteland, published back in 1989.