I browse Facebook every so often, and I see this phrase over and over again, “Follow your dreams”, and honestly, I am sick of it.
The Stute
College campuses are notorious for their clichĂ© “coffee house” and “open mic” events, usually characterized by awkward performers and low attendance by niche student groups.
On Wednesday, October 15, Madhusree Mukerjee, an author and journalist, came to Stevens to discuss the increase of rape and sexual violence against women in indigenous tribal areas of India.
This past Tuesday, October 14, the WCPR Alumni Association held a panel discussion on the future of the broadcasting industry and how to prepare yourself for getting a job in that field.
One of the best parts of being at Stevens is hanging out with cool (compared to me), young (compared to me), up-and-coming scholars, from whom I can learn a lot about science and technology.
I was raised in a Catholic household, like many other children in a predominately Irish Catholic town. I pray three Hail Marys and Our Fathers before I leave my room every morning and try to go to mass every Sunday.
In order to compete for fans’ attention, modern video games are often marked by intricacies in designs and various systems. Recently, video game advertisements attract fans’ attention by showcasing exciting new features often in the forms of complex gameplay based on many of the game’s elements.
Piracy is stupidly easy.
In previous editorials, I have made comments about the Internet on a variety of topics, including one regarding online anonymity.Â
Last Friday, millions of Snapchat users were dismayed to find 200,000 of their sent pictures leaked on the Internet. The leak came from a third-party plugin that uses Snapchat’s unofficial API, Snapsaved.com,