Sunday morning. The inevitable ritual that actually takes place somewhere around noon and the early afternoon. Upperclassmen typically wake up somewhere in the neighborhood of noon at what can be best described by a deep yearning need for food.
The Stute
On Monday, October 27, Stevens faced off against NYU in Club Lacrosse. The game began at 7 p.m. on the De Baun Athletic Complex.
Hoboken was once the site of many violent gang shootings. The Hoboken of the present, the one that many believe was founded solely to cater to young urban professionals, was only achieved through hard work led by the city’s past administrations.
Roger Gurnani is the executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Verizon. He has worked with Verizon communications and Verizon Wireless for almost ten years.
Attention shoppers: a bevy of major retailers, including Walmart, Target, CVS, and Rite Aid have disabled payments via Apple Pay. By proxy, this also removes the customers’ ability to pay with Google Wallet or Softcard.
The first ever Stroll Yard Show at Stevens, arranged by the Multicultural Greek Council, was held in Jacobus Lounge on October 1.
Who says that law and science cannot mix? As engineers, scientists, and researchers create products and develop processes at obscenely quick rates, the necessity to protect intellectual property is at an all-time high.
Late last spring, as I’ve mentioned in previous columns, I participated in a conference called How the Light Gets In, where I hung out with all kinds of professional reality-ponderers.