So, I experienced my first CPAC. CPAC was actually a little overwhelming. I didn’t expect so many people to be on campus.
The Stute
If one were to venture onto the myStevens home page, click on the eBilling icon, and examine the long list of charges under “Account Activity,” one would notice a fee of around $245 labeled “Student Activity Fee.”
A lot of times video games are about bringing imaginations alive and achieving what people can only dream of but can only realize with technology.
Philosopher Daniel Dennett once asked: Would you rather be remembered for being right about something, or for being “original and provocative?”
Students passing by Palmer Lawn this past Wednesday afternoon would have encountered quite the site: loud music, a huge blow-up duck, and students tossing colored chalk into each other’s faces.
Napoli’s Pizza is one of the restaurants in an area of uptown Hoboken I don’t normally frequent around dinner time. Along Washington Street in the area of 11th and 12th, I’ll go to Schnackenberg’s for breakfast, Biancomano’s for lunch, or Giorgio’s Bakery if my sweet tooth needs sating.
Personally, I don’t like to exaggerate negative aspects of specific video games I cover in my article. From Destiny to DotA, despite the fact that I find flaws in many of the games I write about, I like to highlight what’s innovative and exhilarating about each of the games, what makes me enjoy them, and analyze trends in industry.
By now, you’ve probably heard of the new startup Meerkat from news headlines or friends. But you may not know exactly what Meerkat is, and what makes the month-old startup interesting.