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The Stute

Semester in Review: Quite the Journey

As the semester and, as a whole, the academic year winds down, I’m starting to look back on all the places I’ve been over the past year in pursuit of the best Hoboken has to offer.

Gatehouse façade damaged amidst inclement weather

The Gatehouse wall experienced a “partial spalling” on Monday, as students were informed by campus-wide announcement. The incident occurred at approximately 9:15 a.m.,

Behind the Books and a window to Stevens history

The Honor Board, in conjunction with the Samuel C. Williams Library, hosted “Behind the Books,” an annual event for which rooms in the library normally not available to the public are opened, on Wednesday.

Vivi Bubble Tea: great at its own game

Back home in the Hudson Valley, there’s a small Japanese restaurant in a neighborhood (or whatever the rural equivalent would be) called Apple Valley.

First Epic Rap Battle of Stevens crowns a calculator as champion

Lambda Upsilon Lambda hosted Stevens’ first Epic Rap Battle last Wednesday in Hayden Lounge. The event was led by Joshua Negron who emceed throughout the night as various performers took the stage in character to engage in rap battles.