What do students value about the Stevens Honor System? The Stevens Honor Board prompted students to write their answers to this question in chalk on Whittpenn Walk this past Wednesday.
The Stute
The annual Hoboken Italian Festival was held on Sinatra Drive over the weekend of September 10. Sinatra Drive is conveniently located under the Babbio Center, giving easy access for Stevens students on campus.
DeBaun Auditorium was nearly packed on Saturday night as members of the Stevens community gathered for the third annual Stevens’ Next Best Dance Crew.
On Tuesday, September 15, Walker gym was flooded for the freshmen dodgeball tournament by a sea of blue, green, red, and black.
Head to First Street between Bloomfield and Garden Streets and watch as you’re transported to a rue de Paris upon stepping inside Choc O Pain.
“I think the sky’s gonna open up soon.” That was Brendan, looking up at the incredible, but assuringly ominous view above us in Cooper Square.
As I sit here at my desk writing this column, I realize that it has been almost three weeks since I moved on campus.
Last semester I was walking back to my dorm in Jonas. I had just become Editor-in-Chief, and was walking back from Howe reading the new issue, mostly checking for any potential errors.
Gazing across the Hudson River, everything seems in place. The Empire State building emits its various color combinations of lights, and the Chrysler building sits quietly in the distance.