Imagine you’re in an interview for the job of your dreams at the best company you could ask for. You have the best resume that Career Services has ever seen: 4.0 GPA, honors all around, amazing work experience, and you’re the president of several clubs and organizations.
The Stute
I had an entirely different idea for my editorial this week. I wanted to discuss how I attended Castle Point Anime Convention for the first time despite being a junior, how my judgmental notions of CPAC were squashed, and how nice the entire experience was for me not as an anime fan, but as a person.
As some of you may know, one of Hoboken’s best features is the availability of diverse restaurants offering a plethora of brunch options.
The College of Arts and Letters is introducing a new minor in Film Studies. The two pioneers of this minor are Professor Anthony Pennino and Edward Foster.
Every spring, “weeaboos” descend on Hoboken for Castle Point Anime Convention. “The first step of CPAC is picking the date,” says Convention Chair Tyler Romeo.
PSE&G provides a majority of the power to New Jersey homes, schools, and businesses. Within the company are powerful women engineers who have much experience to share with aspiring female engineers.
All impressions come from a copy of the game provided by its developers played on my PS4.
In my time playing Axiom Verge, I’ve explored, fought, died, made mistakes, and most importantly, learned from them.
So, I experienced my first CPAC. CPAC was actually a little overwhelming. I didn’t expect so many people to be on campus.
If one were to venture onto the myStevens home page, click on the eBilling icon, and examine the long list of charges under “Account Activity,” one would notice a fee of around $245 labeled “Student Activity Fee.”
A lot of times video games are about bringing imaginations alive and achieving what people can only dream of but can only realize with technology.