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The Stute

Oh, what a rush

R.A.G.E. is done. Arguably, R.A.G.E. has been finished since the one-two punch “database malfunction” last Thursday. For those reading who don’t know what R.A.G.E.

Café Michelina

A few steps from Washington Street is a no-frills, family-owned café serving up home-style Italian comfort food. Having passed Café Michelina on the corner of 5th and Bloomfield Street on multiple occasions, I finally decided the time had come to step through the beaded curtain into the dimly lit restaurant. 

Goldman Sachs executive speaks on investment management

On this past Wednesday, October 7th, DeBaun Auditorium was filled with a plethora of finance professionals and students all ready to listen attentively to the wise words of wisdom from an experienced Goldman Sachs executive.

In favor of the Innovation University

Last Tuesday night at The Stute’s general body meeting, a couple of people were talking about the general state of Stevens, more specifically the lack of input students have in Stevens’ completely campus-altering 2012-2022 strategic plan.