Alpine Labs launched a Kickstarter campaign for Pulse, with the subtitle “Your Camera, Upgraded.” Though Pulse is a popular name for a product, it is quite different than the device by Titan Reality that was addressed in last week’s issue.
The Stute
I watched a conversation recently between journalist Robert Wright and physicist Lawrence Krauss on “the origins of the universe, quantum weirdness and the limits of scientific knowledge,” according to an announcement from event host Union Theological Seminary.
A few years ago, I knew an incredibly talented girl. She was considered a “golden girl” by many, and rightfully so: She was sharp, athletic, very popular and mostly very friendly.
I hope you all managed to snag your Christmas gifts at a discount last week! Unless, of course, you have standards higher than shopping during Thanksgiving… I bought a pair of boots at exactly 12 a.m.,
As I am sitting here in Babbio writing this week’s column, I realized that it has been exactly three months since I arrived at Stevens for my freshman year.
On Friday, November 21, the Indian Undergraduate Association (IUA) hosted a festival in celebration of Diwali, one of the largest festivals in India.
Popular with the Rutgers crowd, the breakfast and brunch spot Hansel ‘n Griddle recently expanded to Hoboken. Despite being consistently rated among the top brunch spots in New Jersey, I really can’t understand what all of the fuss is about.
On Monday, I was dismayed to learn that the final exam for Concurrent Programming had been moved forward by a week, joining Database Management Systems and many more courses in taking place during regular class time.
In the midst of studying for exams and writing final papers, there was a hum of relaxation and celebration radiating from the Fielding Room of Howe this past Tuesday.
What do you mean it’s already December? We can’t believe that such an eventful year—musically (Kendrick! Björk! Grimes! Sleater-Kinney!) and academically (Emma and Andrew here are finishing their first semester of college!)—is