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The Stute

Back burner tomato sauce

Italian food is so simple to make for me. I probably have a lot of learned intuition from watching my family cook, but when writing down these recipes, there truly are not that many steps.

Famous people that you didn’t know went to Stevens

Over the course of many years, ever since its founding in 1870, Stevens has been the place where many famous people came to study and learn about technology, like Frederick Winslow Taylor, Henry Gantt, Mark Crispin, Frederick Reines (wow, two Fredericks!),

Where am I?

We’re in that awkward part of the semester where classes are having their final tests before actual finals, you’re being forced to speak to people you haven’t talked to all semester for a project, and your four overdue assignments are lingering over your head.

Female health issues are terrifying

Did you know that your ovaries can just kill you? Like not even just cancer, there are multiple ways your reproductive system can self-destruct.

The High Line: the perfect blend of nature and city

The High Line is one of the most fantastic places on New York City’s skyline. It is a testament to human ingenuity and ambition that often overshadows the natural world amidst its concrete jungle.

What is a transmission?

Short answer: a car’s transmission connects the engine to the wheels. 

But there’s a lot more to it than that! Whether it’s a manual or an automatic transmission, there is a ton of incredible engineering that goes into getting the power from the engine to the wheels.

Look out for sales!

As we reach the midst of spring, there is a strong need to ditch the winter jackets and bring on the sunglasses.

Is recycling actually helpful?

For years, the phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle” has been spread to understand waste management and encourage protecting the environment. However, recycling and its benefits and drawbacks have been called into question in terms of its efficacy. 

The epidemic of add-to-cart

How much stuff do you have? Not in a hyperbolic, minimalist, painfully sad beige way. But in a ‘when was the last time you even wore that shirt you bought two months ago or used that new gadget you swore would change your life’ kinda way.