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Posts published in “Technically Speaking”

Technically Speaking is an Opinion culture column used to discuss topics relating to technology, such as pop culture, trends, social media, or other relevant subject matter.

Heartbleed: The biggest TLS vulnerability since 2006

"Catastrophic" does not begin to describe this event. The problem is so bad that attackers have been reading and dumping plaintext passwords for individuals' Yahoo! Mail accounts. Yes, personal email accounts are having their passwords leaked. And it does not stop there. Hundreds of sites are vulnerable (and are still vulnerable as of the writing of this article). The best way to describe this vulnerability is as a complete break of Internet security.

Google announces Android for wearables

Between the Pebble Steel (and its other   competitors) and Google Glass, wearable tech has made its début. Engineers are looking for new and unique places for people to integrate themselves.

Major TLS security vulnerabilities discovered in Apple, Linux

This week has been a terrible week for computer security. As a quick primer, there is a technology called TLS. Many will recognize it as “HTTPS”, and it is the protocol that is used to encrypt almost all traffic on the Internet.