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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

Why you should be a barista at least once

As a girl who’s struggled with memorization and has slight hearing issues, I am not sure how I landed a barista job, but I did.

Should I change my major?


Realizing that the major you’re pursuing doesn’t align with your goals and/or talents can be panic-inducing. I promise you though that it’s not the end of the world.

Tragedy and football

The story of Reichen Posey is one of deep sadness and extreme hopefulness. Posey found football as an escape from the tragedy that struck him at such a young age.

100 gecs 2: 10,000 gecs

While “What kind of music do you listen to?” is a good opener, I think “What music do you hate?” tells you more about a person.

Our new website

Now that we’ve dotted the last “i” and crossed the last “t”(much to its dissatisfaction), Off the Press is excited to announce our new website is up and running and ready for a mad dash of traffic.

What question should I ask this week?

Why is Ethan angry all the time?

Ethan: I’m not, just on Sunday evening when I have to answer your questions.

Yeah, we’re writing about water mains

Off the Press is known for its journalistic prowess, so we would be remiss not to pen our perspective on local water situations.

What do I do under a boil water order?


Unfortunately, living in Hoboken comes with a few downsides. It’s a great city with thriving businesses and amazing opportunities, but the utilities leave something to be desired.