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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

Was Philosopher Thomas Kuhn evil?

In 1972, Thomas Kuhn hurled an ashtray at Errol Morris. Kuhn, a historian and philosopher of science, was at the Institute for Advanced Study, and Morris was his graduate student.

Shining Stars

The Stevens Orchestra Spring 2019 Concert was on Saturday, April 13, in DeBaun Auditorium. For some it was their first spring concert, and for others it was their last.

Summer music and nostalgia

For a few weeks, I struggled
while thinking about what to write for this column. I’ve resisted writing about
Beyonce’s brilliant Homecoming live-album
and Netflix documentary, or the fact that Lemonade
is finally on Spotify (but you should watch/listen to all of that).

Stevens is on the Rise — Into the Atmosphere

Exciting news has recently been uncovered as the administration announced the secret meaning behind the iconic slogan “A University on the Rise.”

Facing The End of Science

My gloomy 23-year-old book The End of Sciencehas been popping up lately, mainly in discussions of physics. Below I respond to recent articles that cite my book:

*David Kordahl, a graduate student in physics, writes in Los Angeles Review of Booksthat it is “hard to imagine today’s popular writing about physics without the existence of two books.”

Best sneakers from Supreme

Oh, you thought I was done? I’m just getting started. In the second installment of my series, I’m taking a deep dive into Supreme archives and presenting what I think are the best footwear Supreme has had to offer over the years.

A modern-day Robin Hood

Everyone loves free food. This fact is undeniable. However, there is one individual on this campus who seems to love free food more than anyone.

The Mueller Report Fallout

Mueller's Report has finally been delivered to Attorney General William Barr.