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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

I ain’t allowed to work on Maggie’s farm no more

As the first cases of COVID-19 in New Jersey were confirmed in Bergen and Hudson counties, local and state governments enacted increasingly stringent rules regarding how life may progress for the citizens of the Garden State.

Senior Kaitlin Gili starts international mentoring group for women

Like everyone else in the world, the Stevens community could use some good news. So let me tell you about Kaitlin Gili, a Stevens senior majoring in Physics, and the organization she founded, EWAAB, which helps young women planning to enter physics, computer science, and other male-dominated professions.

Optimism for a dark time

Through most of my youth, I was a pessimist. My Mom called me Eeyore, after the gloomy donkey in Winnie the Pooh.

Top 10 Nike Air Max 90s

This year’s annual Air Max Day taking place on March 26 has come and gone, but the Nike Air Max 90 is here to stay.


In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, students have been told to leave their student housing, including dorms, greek life houses, and leased housing.

Gateway to Hell

New dorms are slated to join the Howe Center in mournfully looming over the Hudson by Spring 2022, but there has been a hiccup.

Snevets to implement optional pass/fail grading for classes

In response to the overall kerfuffle that has been the BUDLITE-19 virus outbreak, as well as the cessation of physical classes, the school’s administration has decided to enact an optional pass/fail grading for students to opt into if they feel that their grades would otherwise suffer due to the outbreak.