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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

Health Honor Board Takes Over School

Much like its older and more handsome brother, the Stevens Honor Board, the Stevens Health Honor Board has largely been ceremonial and frankly useless ever since its inception.

Dressing for Zoom University

If you are like me and thought attending in person classes every day was a good enough excuse to flex a cute outfit, then this whole virtual learning thing is KILLING YOU.

The geopolitical case for Vietnam

Countries that lie on geopolitical fault lines often find themselves as pawns in a great game between two rival powers. We saw this during the Cold War where the rival powers of the U.S.

Inktober in peril?

Inktober, a worldwide challenge to draw something every day based on a different prompt for the month of October, has become an annual tenet of the online art scene and a period of uninterrupted creative fertility even from home

Episode 1 — Being in control

When in quarantine, look for inspiration. I hope to provide with my biweekly columns something insightful to get you motivated to go out and do it – most importantly, take charge of your future. When the dark place is your mind, it’s hard to pull yourself out of it if you don’t muster the strength to battle your inner demons. So, let’s battle our inner demons together.

Attila Tested Positive for Coronavirus

Steven's famous mascot/resident war criminal has fallen ill with COVID-19, ruining the school's current streak. Try not to cry long enough to read the article.

My quantum experiment

Read Professor Horgan's first Scientific Curmudgeon column of the semester.