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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”


After an eventful winter break where the start of in person classes and events was delayed two weeks, Stevens has announced they will switch to an hour by hour decision process for in-person activities.

A euphoric sense of fashion

By now most of you have heard of or are watching the hit TV show Euphoria. The show, aired in 2019 and is now in its second season.The

When one door closes, the next one opens

When I was five years old, I got an advertisement in the mail from a local college theater company. They were promoting their children’s performing arts program and were trying to recruit new actors.

What I’ve learned from WFH

To some extent, we all had unique experiences working from home these past two weeks this semester. I, for one, opted to move back to my Hoboken apartment after finishing the first two weeks of class online from my home, so I’ve experienced (school) work from home (WFH) to its fullest.

Death, taxes, and a soaring wealth gap

We all know the famous saying by Benjamin Franklin, “In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” But what is less commonly known is the historical relationship between death and taxes, as well as the macroeconomic and societal implications of said relationship. 

‘Tis the season of waiting

As the seasons change, the air begins to fill with a crisp coldness that always reminds me of winter. This is the type of air that nips at your skin and turns it red, forcing you to whip out your winter coat and layer up.

The great Oreo wars of 2021

I tried all the Oreo flavors so you don’t have to.

Well, not all of them. That’s because there are over 80 varieties of America’s Favorite Cookie, most of which I don’t believe can be found outside of a lab.

Cover Letter Auction

In response to the overwhelming demand among students who have begun applying for internships only to realize with dismay the vast number of cover letters they’ll need to write, several of the professional societies have banded together to co-host a cover letter auction event.