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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

Spring fashion trends

It is officially official, spring has sprung. Although it felt like the dreary, cold weather of winter overstayed its welcome in the Northeast, alas spring is finally here.


The Stute has been around since 1904. Don’t believe me? It’s on the cover of every issue! And being a part of such a long-standing organization is something that never ceases to amaze me.

What’s in a color?

I recently participated in Hoboken’s St. Patrick’s Day festivities, and rarely have I seen such commitment to theme and style as my peers exhibited on Saturday.

President Biden’s SOTU address and police funding

This article was written by Marisa Powers & Tasha Khosla.


The “defund the police” cause has been pushed more aggressively by activists and other liberal voters after the death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020.

What did they find?

We here at Off the Press were surprised to learn that one of the many parties we were not invited to is called the “Founders Day Ball,” and that it is going to be tonight.

Finding your light

What is your inspiration? In moments of defeat or obscurity, what is that facet of life that never fails to cheer you up? 

Midterms, again??

With the virtual start to the semester, midterms seem to have crept up on us a lot quicker than usual. Not to mention, how is spring break just around the corner?