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Posts published in “Opinion”


The teetering midpoint of the college experience includes… running out of clean clothes before you’ve realized it, begrudgingly admitting sometimes Pierce has better meals than you have time to cook, and realizing you’re far enough in now that there’s no point in not getting your degree.

To work or not to work?

Something I have been struggling with this semester is deciding how much time I am going to devote to schoolwork and how much time I want to save for myself.

Student really looking forward to Super Bowl this weekend

On Thursday, we here at Off the Press had the chance to catch up with one Stevens student who was very excited to “watch the Super Bowl this Sunday,” adding that it was the first time in his life his beloved Cincinnati Bengals were playing in it and he wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Will I feel like I’m a teenage girl forever?

I am 21. This feels crazy to write because at this very moment I still feel like I’m 15. When I was 15, a lot of exciting things happened in my life.

The first day jitters never stop

Not very long ago, I decided to attend my first Stute meeting. Well, I shouldn’t say that I decided, rather it was my freshman roommate who dragged me to the Howe Building that night to attend The Stute’s first General Body Meeting.

Let’s bring back cookbooks

When I was younger, I used to pour over my family’s old community cookbooks. I flipped through aged pages dotted with cooking stains, reading 90s-era recipes for tri-color pasta salad and chicken entrees.

Piper: The Greatest Short Film of All Time

After an insane amount of hype and anticipation, the sequel to Finding Nemo—Finding Dory—was released in 2016. Although it wasn’t viewed as a national sensation like the original, it did include something quite memorable, not within the movie, per se, but in what came before it.

Some of my favorite female fashion icons of all time

For as long as humans have dressed themselves, I believe fashion and style have existed. Throughout the existence of the world, many figures have emerged in the fashion world as notably iconic and fashion-forward.