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Posts published in “Opinion”

Why “WrestleMania” matters

Since I began writing “The Stute Smackdown,” my focus has fluctuated from standalone editorials about various aspects of the professional wrestling industry to summary and analysis of WWE programming.

A little something about The Stute

Many of you have undoubtedly noticed that, in the past two weeks, there have been a few errors on The Stute.

Computer Conundrum

Last Thursday, my laptop stopped working. As usual, I brought it to the Computer Service Center for repair. This being the fifth year of my laptop’s life, I understand that there are going to be problems with my computer, and it will occasionally have to get fixed.

It’s Time To Legalize Gay Marriage in the U.S.

By: Jonathan Itskovitch


Caption: The rainbow flag is the most prominent symbol of LGBT pride. Source: HRC

It is apparent that the time has come to legalize gay marriage throughout the entire nation.

Artisans of the 21st Century

I’m not sure how well known this is at Stevens, given that we are a school focused on technology and innovation, but Florence is a very historical and primary location for the development of art and artists.

Orale Mexican Kitchen

Orale Mexican Kitchen was a lucky find. My friends and I stumbled into this place because we weren’t craving our original plan – Korean, didn’t want to eat far, (New York City) and didn’t want to eat close (Hoboken) either.

Closing of the Linux Lab

The Linux Lab has been the home to the Computer Science clubs including the Stevens Game Development Club and Stevens Cyber Defense Team since 2011, although the lab itself had all of its physical workstations removed a few years ago.

An Apology and Acknowledgement

Dear Stevens Community,

In the most recent issue of The Stute, our April Fool’s Day mock paper, “The Stupe,” is included as a four-page mini-issue within the contents of the actual issue.